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Modelling Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Systems

Modelling Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Systems

Classement des ventes 53849dans


This collection summarises the wealth of research on ways to improve models predicting the impact of climate change on agricultural systems, as well as their application to understanding impacts in particular regions.


Type de produitLivre
Date de parution25.07.2023
No. de série131
Pages756 pages
DimensionsLargeur 157 mm, Hauteur 235 mm, Épaisseur 45 mm
Poids1228 g
N° article41782864
Source des données n°39868178
Plus de détails




Dr Claas Nendel heads the Research Group on Landscape Modelling at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany. He is also Professor of Landscape Systems Analysis at the University of Potsdam. Dr Nendel is the Past President of the European Society of Agronomy and hosted, among other events, the first International Crop Modelling Symposium in Berlin in 2016. He is principal developer of the MONICA model which simulates biophysical processes in agroecosystems to allow assessment of regional impacts of climate change, and is internationally known for his contribution to agroecosystem modelling. Dr Jacques-Eric Bergez is a Systemic Agronomist and Modeller at INRAE, France and Coordinator of the H2020 project ClienFarms on climate neutral farming. Dr Bergez has held previous positions as Head of the Agroecology, Innovations & Territories Unit (AGIR) and Scientific Leader of RECORD within INRAE. Dr Bergez has authored over 70 research papers. Dr Claas Nendel heads the Research Group on Landscape Modelling at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany. He is also Professor of Landscape Systems Analysis at the University of Potsdam. Dr Nendel is the Past President of the European Society of Agronomy and hosted, among other events, the first International Crop Modelling Symposium in Berlin in 2016. He is principal developer of the MONICA model which simulates biophysical processes in agroecosystems to allow assessment of regional impacts of climate change, and is internationally known for his contribution to agroecosystem modelling. Dr. Bruno Basso is an agro-ecosystem scientist and University Foundation Professor in Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and W.K. Kellogg Biological Station at Michigan State University. He is a Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America and the American Society of Agronomy, and 2016 recipient of the Innovation of the year award and 2019 Outstanding Faculty Award at Michigan State University and the recipient of the 2021 Morgan Stanley Sustainable Solutions Prize. He is ranked as top 2% scientist across all disciplines and 0.006% in the field of Agronomy, Agriculture, Meteorology. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Dr Enli Wang is a Chief Research Scientist in CSIRO, based in Canberra, Australia. Dr Wang has been a Principal Investigator and Project Leader of multiple national and international projects for almost 20 years, covering research areas of productivity and environmental footprints of agro-ecosystem under variable/changing climate, soil-plant modelling, resource use efficiency, carbon and nutrient cycling. He has also served as a key member of the APSIM development team, is the leader of the international Canola modelling consortium (AgMIP-Canola), a co-leader of the AgMIP-Wheat nitrogen use and response team. He was previously Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Field Crops Research. Professor Soora Naresh Kumar is Principal Scientist at the Centre for Environment Science and Climate Resilient Agriculture (now Division of Environment Science), ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India with over 25 years of research experience. He is leading the InfoCrop (a process based dynamic simulation model) modelling group and is involved in AgMIP since its inception in 2011 as a member of AgMIP-wheat, rice, maize and potato pilot groups. He has published over 120 research papers in high impact journals and is recognized at the Global and National level. Dilys Sefakor MacCarthy (Ph.D.) is a Research Fellow with the Soil and Irrigation Research Centre, Institute of Agricultural Research, College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences of the University of Ghana. She joined the University in 2007. Dr. D. S. MacCarthy teaches both undergraduate and graduate students and has led international projects on climate change impact assessment in West Africa over the past few years. She serves as a member of the editorial boards of esteemed journals and reviews manuscripts for many other journals.

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